Requirements ============ .. admonition:: TLDR - When you ``import`` a package for the first time in your application code, add its name to ```` in alphabetical order. - When you ``import`` a package for the first time in your test code, that is never imported in your application code, add its name to ```` in alphabetical order. - After updating a ``.in`` file, update the ``.txt`` files with: .. code-block:: bash uv pip compile -o requirements.txt uv pip compile -o requirements_dev.txt - To update your local environment, run: .. code-block:: bash uv pip sync requirements_dev.txt Now that you have a :doc:`directory layout`, you can declare the project's requirements. The requirements of *applications* (not :doc:`packages`) are managed by four files: - ```` names all direct requirements needed in the production environment, i.e. all packages ``import``'ed by the application. - If the application is incompatible with older or newer versions of a requirement, use the least specific `version specifier `__ possible, for example: - Newer versions: ``foo>=1.2``, not ``foo>=1.2.3`` - Older versions: ``foo<2`` - Versions range: ``foo>=1.2,<2`` - ```` names all direct requirements needed exclusively in the development environment, and not in the production environment, e.g. ``pytest``. - This file should include the direct requirements needed in the production environment, by having a first line of ``-r requirements.txt``. - ``requirements.txt`` names all direct and indirect requirements needed in the production environment, all locked to specific versions by `uv `__. - ``requirements_dev.txt`` names all direct and indirect requirements needed in the development environment, all locked to specific versions by ``uv``. This ensures that: - All environments use the same versions of production requirements, to ensure consistent and replicable deployments and to avoid errors or surprises during or after deployment due to differences between versions (e.g. a new version of Django requires upgrading application code). - Different developers and continuous integration use the same versions of development requirements, to avoid test failures due to differences between versions (e.g. a new version of pytest requires upgrading test code, or a new version of ruff has stricter linting rules). Get started ----------- `Install uv `__. Virtual environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a ``.python-version`` file (for example, containing ``3.11``), then run: .. code-block:: bash uv venv Requirements files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A common starter ```` for :doc:`django` is: .. literalinclude:: ../../cookiecutter-django/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/ A common starter ```` is: .. literalinclude:: ../../cookiecutter-django/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/ If not using Django, add: .. code-block:: none pytest Add a requirement ----------------- Add the requirement in alphabetical order to the appropriate ``.in`` file. Then, run: .. code-block:: bash uv pip compile -o requirements.txt uv pip compile -o requirements_dev.txt .. seealso:: :doc:`preferences` .. _requirements-psycopg2: psycopg2 ~~~~~~~~ ``psycopg2`` is `recommended `__ for production. However, installing ``psycopg2`` for development can be difficult on operating systems like macOS. In that case, you can: - Put ``psycopg2`` in ```` - Put ``psycopg2-binary`` in ```` - Run: ``pip install psycopg2-binary`` .. note:: You **must** keep the locked versions of psycopg2 and psycopg2-binary in sync. Install requirements -------------------- .. code-block:: bash uv pip sync requirements_dev.txt .. tip:: If a package with C extensions fails to install, try installing from source, for example: .. code-block:: bash uv pip install --reinstall --no-cache --no-binary :all: lxml Upgrade requirements -------------------- Requirements should be periodically updated, both for security updates and to better distribute the maintenance burden of upgrading versions over time. Upgrade one requirement in ````, for example: .. code-block:: bash uv pip compile -P requests -o requirements.txt uv pip compile -o requirements_dev.txt Upgrade one requirement in ````, for example: .. code-block:: bash uv pip compile -P pytest -o requirements_dev.txt Upgrade all requirements (rare): .. code-block:: bash uv pip compile -U -o requirements.txt uv pip compile -U -o requirements_dev.txt Linting ------- :ref:`Continuous integration` runs ` `__, which checks whether any requirements are missing or unused. If a requirement is reported as unused but is required: #. Make sure that a related package sets extras correctly. For example, `moto `__ has optional dependencies for each AWS service. You must do, for example: .. code-block:: none moto[s3] #. If the package is optional – for example, it is imported in a ``try`` and ``except ImportError`` block – use the ``STANDARD_MAINTENANCE_SCRIPTS_IGNORE`` `environment variable `__. #. If the package is used exclusively outside of application code – for example, as a command in the production environment or in a GitHub workflow, or in an `entry point `__ or as a Sphinx extension – use the ``STANDARD_MAINTENANCE_SCRIPTS_IGNORE`` environment variable.