Packages ======== All our packages should be distributed on PyPI. Use the Pypackage Cookiecutter template, and `add the repository to `__: .. code-block:: bash uv tool install cookiecutter cookiecutter gh:open-contracting/software-development-handbook --directory cookiecutter-pypackage uv venv -p 3.9 uv pip install -e .[test] uv tool install pre-commit pre-commit install .. seealso:: Package-rated content in :ref:`Directory layout`, :ref:`Testing` and :ref:`Linting` Metadata -------- If the package is distributed on PyPI, use this template for the ``pyproject.toml`` file, adding options like ``entry-points`` as needed, and removing the Jinja syntax if not using the Cookiecutter template: .. literalinclude:: ../../cookiecutter-pypackage/{{cookiecutter.repository_name}}/pyproject.toml :language: jinja If the package isn’t distributed on PyPI, use this template ``pyproject.toml``: .. code-block:: python [project] name = "NAME" version = "0.0.0" [tool.setuptools.packages.find] exclude = ["tests", "tests.*"] Reference: `Packaging and distributing projects `__ Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Use ``dependencies`` and ``optional-dependencies`` in the ``pyproject.toml`` file - Do not use a ``requirements.txt`` file - Sort requirements alphabetically .. seealso:: :doc:`preferences` Classifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~ ``"Operating System :: OS Independent"`` The package is tested on macOS, Windows and Ubuntu. ``"Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux"`` The package is tested on Ubuntu only. ``"Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy"`` The package is tested on PyPy. Documentation ------------- The template reads the documentation from a ``README.rst`` file. To convert a ```` file, install ``pandoc`` and run: .. code-block:: bash pandoc --from=markdown --to=rst --output=README.rst .. seealso:: :doc:`Python documentation guide` Publish releases ---------------- .. _pypi-ci: Continuous integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To publish tagged releases to PyPI, create a ``.github/workflows/pypi.yml`` file: .. literalinclude:: ../../cookiecutter-pypackage/{{cookiecutter.repository_name}}/.github/workflows/pypi.yml :language: yaml The *open-contracting* organization sets the ``PYPI_API_TOKEN`` `organization secret `__ to the API token of the *opencontracting* `PyPI user `__, and ``TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN`` to that of the *opencontracting* Test PyPI user. After publishing the first release to PyPI, :ref:`add additional owners `. Release process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #. Ensure that you are on an up-to-date ``main`` branch: .. code-block:: bash git checkout main git pull --rebase #. Ensure that the package is ready for release: - All tests pass on continuous integration - The version number is correct in ``pyproject.toml`` and ``docs/`` (if present) - The changelog is up-to-date and dated #. Tag the release, replacing ``x.y.z`` twice: .. code-block:: bash git tag -a x.y.z -m 'x.y.z release.' #. Push the release: .. code-block:: bash git push --follow-tags #. Announce on the `discussion group `__ if relevant Reference: `Publishing package distribution releases using GitHub Actions CI/CD workflows `__